
I first met Grace over 15 years ago when she came to my home to give me a massage and she remains the one I call when I need a Theraputic massage.  Grace deeply cares about her clients.  She listens to your needs and really makes it her mission to work on relieving tension, making sure you are comfortable, and helping you feel a sense of Peace.

She is very knowledgeable about nutrition and supplements and shares her passion for Wellness and Balance.  I always leave Grace with tension relieved, my heart more peaceful, and an overall sense of balance.

I feel blessed to know Grace.  She is a special lady ~ who also happens to give amazing massages!  🙂

Marla Anderson



Since the beginning of time, man has used herbs for healing.  Records of Roman, Persian, Egyptian and Hebrew medical practices show herbs used extensively to cure practically every known illness.  Much of Chinese medicine is based on the use of herbs and powerful Chinese mushrooms, which were once reserved only for Emperors.   In America, Native Indigenous Peoples used herbs that contain powerful ingredients.  When used correctly, herbs can help heal the body.

The American pharmaceutical industry was originally based on the ability to isolate specific ingredients from plants and make them available in a more potent, purer form.  However, thru the years they have synthesized these natural substances into chemicals.  Your body does not recognize man made chemicals as it does substances from Nature.  As an example, the foxglove plant contains potent ingredients that help the heart beat stronger and with more rhythm.  When using the whole plant, if you ingest too much, you will become nauseous and/or vomit.  The whole plant has a protective mechanism.  I, and other herbalists, believe that nature provides the fullness of healing benefits in the proper way.  Your body has Infinite Wisdom in it’s Instinctual Self, which was provided to you at the time of Your Creation.   Your body knows what it needs and will utilize the properties of the whole plant the way you need at the time of consumption.   Unfortunately, our minds have been programmed in America.  We want a pill to fix our ailments.  Let us learn what God intended and provided.

Echinacea, the simple Coneflower,  has amazing benefits.  It is an anti-viral, anti-bacterial and ant-inflammatory properties.  It has been used for wound healing and snake bite in traditional medicines.  Echinacea stimulates immune response and elevates serum white blood cell counts when they are low.  Echinacea is easy to grow in your own yard.

Peppermint and other Mints are also very easy to grow in a pot or your yard. Peppermint, spearmint and other mints and menthols posess  carmina ptive (promotes removal of intestinal gas), anti-spasmotic and choleretic effects.  Peppermint has been used for years to treat irritable bowel syndrome,colds and congestion.  Studies have even shown a formula containing  menthol and related terpines as a nonsurgical approach to dissolving gallstones.  These studies have shown this method safe even when consumed for up to a four year period.

Tumeric     is a wonderful spice that is a member of the ginger family.  It is a very potent anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory and helps pain, liver disorders and irritable bowel syndrome.  I personally use a combination Tumeric, Ginger and Boswellia combination for pain instead of over the counter meds.  You can buy the Inflamedix at Nutragen.com.  Tumeric also has cardiovascular benefits.  it helps to lower cholesterol levels and inhibits platelet aggregation.  This has great significance in preventing atherosclerosis and it’s complications.

Ginger  is another amazing spice that is a well known anti-inflammatory and more than that, helps to speed your metabolism and get rid of belly fat!  I slice fresh ginger daily into my water and coffee.  Ginger also has cholesterol lowering effects like tumeric, as it inhibits platelet aggregation.  Anti-ulcer, anti-microbial, anti-spasmodic, addresses motion sickness, nausea and vomiting,  open sores, wounds, protects the liver and stimulates circulation.  Don’t go a day without this amazing herb!  Buy an organic root and plant it in a pot or your yard.

Essential Oils

Essential Oils

Essential Oils and their Uses ~

Over the centuries, people have regularly turned to nature for cures, comforts, and cosmetics. Let us never forget that nature is resplendent with life-giving gifts! Trees give us clean air to breathe as well as fruits to eat and even maple syrup! Shrubs, flowers and herbs give us spices and flavorings. Essential oils are the “blood” of the plant and are very powerful. Here are the wonderful properties of what you are using today!

Bergomot ~ The aroma is sweet, fruity, fresh citrus with spicy floral undertones. It’s most valuable uses are stress, tension, fear, infection (all types, including skin) psoriasis. It is antiseptic, antibiotic, anti-spasmodic and calmative.

Blends well with all essential oils, especially lavendar, orange, rosemary, jasmine, sandlewood, ylang ylang.

Not to be applied to the skin before exposure to the sun. Do not use full strength on the skin.

Eucalyptus ~ The aroma is strong, woody, camphory. It’s most valuable uses are bronchitis, colds, flu, fever, sinusitis, muscular aches and pains, headache, rheumatism, asthma, insect bite, skin ulcers, sore throat.

It is antiseptic, expectoran, antibiotic, anti-fungal, anti-infectious, anti-parasitic, anti-neuralgic.

Blends well with lavendar, rosemary, peppermint, lemon, grapefruit, juniper, pine.

Lavendar ~ The aroma is fresh and floral. It’s most valuable uses are cuts, burns, rheumatism, eczema, sunburn, insect bites, headaches, migraine, sleeplessness, infections, arthritis, tension, fatigue, rashes, nervous conditions. Can be safely used on children. Theraputic properties are antiseptic, analgesic, anti-spasmodic, tonic, anti-inflammatory, anti-venomous, anti-parasitic, diuretic, restorative, decongestant, calmative, sedative, antibiotic, anti-infectious.

Blends well with lemon, eucalyptus, rosemary, tea tree, peppermint, grapefruit, juniper, pines bergamot, lemongrass.

Peppermint ~ The aroma is camphorous and minty fresh. It’s most valuable uses are headaches, nausea, fatigue, coughs, digestive problems, bowel disorders/flatuence, muscular pain, sinus congestion, faintness, travel sickness, mouth or gum infections, mental tiredness, poor circulation. It is antiseptic, antibiotic, anti-infectious,

carminative, stomachic, anti-spasmodic, stimulant, anti-parasitic, expectorant, digestive, decongestant.

Blends well with tea tree, lavendar, eucalyptus, rosemary, grapefruit, basil, pine, lemon, juniper, cypress.

Rose ~ The aroma is flowery, rosy, lemony and fresh. It’s most valuable uses are scarring, poor cirulations, nervous tension, calming, skin problems, skin care. It is anti-infectious, tonic, astringent, sedative, calmative, emollient, antiseptic.

Blends well with lavendar, bergamot, jasmine, clary sage, sandalwood, lemon, ylang ylang.

Rosemary ~ The aroma is camphor-like, woody, herbaceous and powerful. It’s most valuable uses are muscular pain, rheumatism, arthritis, muscular weakness, constipation, coughs, colds, bronchitis, helps eliminate toxins, cellulite, memory enhancement, overwork, infections, acne, exhaustion, poor circulation, skin care, hair care, migraine, headaches, sinus problems, general tonic. It is antiseptic, anti-spasmodic, stimulant, diuretic, decongestant, anti-toxic.

Blends well with lavendar, peppermint, tea tree, bergamot, eucalyptus, basil, pine, grapefruit, lemon, juniper.

Sweet Orange ~ The aroma is fruity, sweet and fresh. It’s most valuable uses are skin care, antiseptic, disinfectant, constipation, diuretic, helps eliminate toxins, nervous anxiety, general body tonic. It is antibiotic, anticoagulant, calmative, stomachic, sedative.

Blends well with bergamot, eucalyptus, rose, cinnamon, grapefruit, lemon, juniper, jasmine, ylang ylang.

Tea Tree ~ The aroma is sharp, spicy and warm. It’s most valuable uses are rashes, insect bites, nail fungus, dermatitis, ringworm, thrush, head lice, sore throat, boils, bronchial congestion, wounds, arthritis, acne, fatigue and all infections. It is anti-infectious, antibiotic, anti-fungal , anti-viral, anti-parasitic, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, decongestant, antiseptic.

Blends well with bergamot, lavendar, rosemary, eucalyptus, peppermint, juniper, cypress, pine, lemon, chamomile.

Vanilla ~ The aroma is rich, chocolaty and sweet. It’s most valuable uses are antioxidant, sedative, calmative, nervous anxiety, nausea, sleeplessness, reduce fever. It is anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-fungal.

Blends well with lavendar, sweet orange, lemon, chamomile, sandlewood.

Managing Pain Naturally

Managing Pain Naturally

Most people deal with some sort of pain.  Being a Licensed Massage Therapist for over 25 years, I am constantly reminded of my own pain and others’ pain.  My goals are to teach people to learn their bodies.  To teach people the difference between good pain and bad pain.

Pain can come from inflammation from the foods we eat.  Toxic foods will cause inflammation.  This is why I teach to eat clean.  Even some natural foods will create inflammation.  If fresh foods are sprayed with pesticides, there will be residue which can affect your body in a negative way.  Non sprayed foods (organic) are the way to go.  The “nightshade” family of vegetables will cause inflammation in people sensitive to them.  I am one of those people, and had to come to terms with it.  Eggplant, peppers, potatoes and tomatoes are in the nightshade family and to me, the pain I experienced on a regular basis because of these foods was enough to make me stop eating them once I learned of it.

There went my chips and salsa!  Anything tomato based is now off limits.  No more green, yellow or red peppers, which I would slice and eat with hummus.  Once, when I first learned of it, I had been eating lots of pasta with peppers, tomatoes, eggplant, all of which I had grown in my garden. I was so proud of myself.  BUT, I hurt!!  Why? I kept asking myself!  I eat so clean!  Why do I hurt.  The pain was muscular, an ache that would not stop.  Burning… sore joints.  What the heck?   Then, an article came before me that would end my suffering.  Even tho it took discipline to stop eating these foods I loved so well, I stopped.  Within 3 days my pain had subsided over 50%.  After two months of not eating any nightshades, my pain was gone.  I tried a small portion of mashed potatoes one day and within 30 minutes I had pain in my shoulder and arm.  SO NOT WORTH IT!!

There are some ways to relieve pain naturally, which I use often.  Inflamedix by Nutragen.com is a powerful combination of Boswellia (which is Frankincense), Curcumin (which is the extract of tumeric) and Ginger.  I use this instead of aspirin, ibuprofen, or any over the counter medication.

The benefits of this combination not only get rid of inflammation, but other benefits are    *Ginger ~ speed metabolism, aids digestions, helps with nausea, motion sickness, blood thinner, reduce blood pressure, aids circulation, rich in fatty acids and minerals, strengthen hair, skin and nails and more.

*Boswellia ~ Anti arthritic, anti bacterial, anti fungal, useful for gout, low back pain, fibromyalgia, repairs blood vessels, damaged by inflammation, inflammatory bowel disease and much more.

*Curcumin ~ Anti oxidant, anti biotic, aids circulation, lowers cholesterol, protects liver, improves blood vessel health, rich in minerals, inhibits platelet aggregation, fights free radicals and more.

I love using herbs because of the multiple benefits with very limited side effects.  You would have to an awful lot to upset your stomach.  I always advise to take any supplementation with food for proper digestion and utilization.

Keep fresh ginger in the house.  Slice some into your water, your coffee and cook with it.  I do a Pure Protein (Nutragen) shake every morning for breakfast.  I use 1/2 avacado, frozen berries, lemon, sliced ginger, water and Pure Greens (Nutragen).  Whip it up and you have a powerhouse of concentrated nutrition.


I also utilize For Long Life’s Carpagel, which you can find at my store.  All of the products that I recommend are products I completely believe in BECAUSE of the benefits without harmful side effects.  Those who know me, know how particular I am about ingredients and the integrity of a company.

Massage is another way to alleviate pain. Stretching, while painful when doing it, is great for range of motion, lubrication of joints, and expansion of muscle tissue.     Hot baths in eucalyptus essential oil or epsom salts is a great relaxer.  Remember that if you have chronic pain, it is a process to work through the issues.  Be patient, and if you have any questions or comments, please leave them below.  I am happy to help in any way I can.

What is a “Healthy Diet”

It really does not have to be complicated.  It is really very simple.  Eating fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, fish, poulty, lamb and beef is really the healthiest way to go.  Americans are bombarded by commercials on television and radio and even by “fitness gurus” that are all touting something different.  When we go into the grocery store the shelves are packed, but not with food.  They are packaged, “food- like” products.  These food like products are filled with artificial chemicals and heavily processed ingredients.  Processed foods have become an addiction to Americans.
Your body and mind WILL NOT THRIVE on these products.  You were Divinely created, and your nourishment should come from the earth.
Fresh foods will nourish, cleanse and heal your body.
But, you say, eating healthy is so expensive!  The money you spend now on healthy foods will save you money in doctor bills.  You and your children will be healthier, and as you readjust your taste buds with real foods, because your body is getting more nourishment, you will not be as hungry.  Most people feel hungry because they do not drink enough water and because their bodies are screaming for nutrients, not food.  You can use vitacost.com or swansonvitamins.com for healthy snacks for your kids.  Look for meats that are hormone and antibiotic free.  Try to buy organic (pesticide free) as much as possible.
You speak every time you spend your money.  If you start to choose higher quality foods, the demand increases.  When the demand for higher quality foods is high, you will notice that all around you, the better quality will come. I have seen this recently in my own neighborhood.  Within a two mile radius, we now have 5 different grocery stores that have lowered prices to attract shoppers.    You will be raising the vibration around you when you start demanding higher quality foods and services.
Take some time to see out the farmer’s markets in your areas.  Your kids will love it.  Try to grow some herbs and veggies in your own yards.  Your children will absolutely take to this.  Another great source to find farmers in your area is www.eatwild.com .  Sweet potatoes are very easy to grow in your own yard.  I would suggest using a large pot or making a contained bed as they will spread every where.  Snow peas are extremely easy to grow as well.  Plant a peach seed or two in your yard.  Invest in some fruit trees to plant in your yard.
Cooking in cast iron is an easy way to prepare healthy foods quickly.  For single people, you can start your meat and when almost done, add your veggie and you have a one pot meal.  Less clean up and a wonderful mingling of flavors.  I start with a pat of butter, yes, real butter, and put my chicken in.  You can use olive oil or coconut oil.  After it browns and cooks for about 10 minutes, I turn it over, add some water, cover and let simmer.  Add what ever spices you like.  I normally slice a clove or two of garlic.  After another ten minutes, I add whatever vegetables, cover and let simmer another 8 minutes or so.  Voila .. a simple, very nutritious dinner.     If you have a large family and a hectic schedule, putting a whole chicken in the oven with sweet potatoes, purple potatoes, carrots, onions and seasonings will make a delicious meal for the family in a jiffy.  This is how I taught my daughter to cook when she was around 12.  Simple and efficient.
Getting back to basics and simplifying will be beneficial to your entire family.
Question?  Comments?  Please leave them below.