Meet Grace

I have been studying and practicing holistic healing since I was 18 and am well over a half century now. Never do you think about the aging process when you are young!  My goal was just to be healthy and rebel against the “establishment”. I grew up in a military family, with both parents being “immigrants”. My mother went thru World War 2 in Germany, so when she came to America she thought we were the best country in the world and that our doctors knew everything. Especially military doctors. She accustomed herself to the American “junk food” of the time, thinking it was fine.  Modern. I grew up on drinks like Tang and KoolAid with LOTS of sugar.  We ate processed luncheon meats every day and lots of red meat. Chicken was for Sunday dinner. As a result, I grew up with a chronic constipation problem.  At one point, I hadn’t gone to the bathroom for almost two weeks. At an age when I was “blossoming”, you know, small breasts and a bit of pubic hair, my mother took me to the doctor with a bloated stomach and headache. A young, handsome doctor came into the room and told me to undress. He did not give me a cover up.  Mortified, I did as I was told and he pointed to a cold metal table in the middle of the large room.  It had a sheet of paper on it, but it was freezing, as was the room. My mother was standing in the corner watching, but there was no nurse in the room. I laid, face up, NAKED, on the table. The “doctor” put his rubber gloves on, stuck his finger up my behind as he was pressing against my lower abdomen. I was holding my breath as I watched him. I remember him taking off the gloves with a snap. “She’s constipated.  Give her ex-lax.” Was all he said as he walked out of the room. Talk about humiliation.



I tell you this story because your life is made up of many different stories. Your stories will mold you. They will excite you. They will terrify you. Some will be happy, some sad. There will be crisis of many kinds. These stories … your experiences,  WILL MAKE YOU STRONG. LET THEM.

I moved away from my family to Florida when I was 18 years old. I was living at the beach and everyone I met was into eating clean, healthy fresh foods. I was smitten with the lifestyle of doing yoga on the beach at sunrise, body surfing in the ocean, sunning and playing frisbee and riding bikes. We went to the Farmers Markets on weekends to buy fresh fruits and vegetables. I joined a local co-op and started making my own bread, grinding down the whole wheat berries into flour. I read every book I could on fasting, holistic healing, herbal healing and vitamin therapy. When my daughter was born, I resolved to raise her holistically.

In my 30’s, after many struggles and not knowing my “purpose”, I became a Licensed Massage Therapist. My school was an Acupuncture School based on Chinese Medicine. It was right up my alley, as at that time I was a Front End Manager at a very large Health Food Store. My joke was “It took me 36 years to figure out why God put me here” It wasn’t really a joke.  Thru the years I have acquired degrees in Holistic Nutrition, Natural Health and certifications in Massage Therapy, Yogafit, Personal Training, Herbal Healing, Essential Oils and Chinese Medicine. I continue to research and learn and I HAVE to share my knowledge with everyone I can. There are so many simple ways  to remedy what seem like confusing and difficult illnesses. So many times we exaggerate because of fear. Another quick story. A friend once called and said, “I think I have ovarian cancer!”  “No!” I said!  “Stop thinking that or it can happen!  Tell me why!” She told me her symptoms and said she had been researching online. “Didn’t you just go on vacation for a week?” I asked. “Yes, why?”  “Well”, I said. “DID YOU POOP?” Because every symptom she gave me were the same symptoms of constipation. I taught her how to self massage and told her to drink a glass of water every 30 minutes until she went.  Two days later, guess what?  She called and said, “You were right. I was constipated!” Here’s the thing, if you don’t go within 48 hours there is a process that occurs called “auto intoxication”. Your bloodstream will re-absorb the poisons in your colon. Many people are sick because they don’t eliminate properly. Simple, yet profound.  

I see people around me suffering on a daily basis, don’t you? Doctors prescribe medications that cause dependency, depression, fatigue, mental confusion and brain fog and even organ damage. Deaths from pain medications have become an epidemic. What if you knew that there was a better way? What would you do? My heart breaks for these people and their families and my first thoughts are how can I help to resolve their issues. What can I teach them that will change the direction of their journey to better health?     

Once, I was out to lunch with a girlfriend.  We were sitting outside listening to a live band. When the guys took a break, the singer walked over and said, “Is your name Grace?”  I didn’t know him and he was very attractive. When he introduced himself, I was in shock. I had met him at least a year earlier thru another friend. He was thin and frail looking back then.  “Wow!  You look amazing!” I  told him. “You changed my life!”  He said. “I DID?”  He proceeded to remind me of our conversation on health.  “I started doing everything you told me.”     

What is our purpose? To help others. To teach. To become healthy, wealthy and wise. Good health IS wealth. There is no greater satisfaction than knowing that you helped someone change their life.