I was out on a Sunday afternoon with some friends at an outside bar, having conversation and drinks. A man close by started talking to me, and it was so long ago I don’t remember how the conversation was started.  But this is the thing I remember.   “You’re high maintenance” he said to me after a bit of chit chat.   “I am?”  I asked incredulously.  “Yes, I can tell because of how you are put together. You are high maintenance.”   I smiled.  “You are talking to someone who laid her own wood floors, tiled her own counter tops, who does all her own cleaning, and gardening. Yeah, I’m high maintenance lol” … He said something else about they way I was dressed, and how my shoes matched my handbag.   “Well, I am a bargain shopper. Shoes, $20. Handbag, $25. I shop at TJ Maxx!”    “Oh, so you’re ghetto!”   I looked at him and shook my head. “First I’m high maintenance, now I’m ghetto. You have no idea how to judge me, but you want to judge me.”   More friends showed up and we laughed and told jokes.  Later, this man says, “You know, I owe you an apology.”  “Why?” I asked.  “If I cared about what you thought of me, I might expect an apology.  But I don’t.  And I will never see you again anyway.”

I turned back to my friends.

The moral of the story is ~ Don’t ever let anyone blow out your candle.