Sugar ~ Just How Much Is Too Much

Have you ever wondered just how much sugar you are consuming every day? From the things you drink to the condiments you use, the amount of sugar in your diet may surprise you.

Over the past 40 years, food manufacturers have systematically removed fat and fiber from foods and replaced them with added sugar. We have gone from breakfasts of eggs and bacon to sugary cereal, muffins and bars for on the go. The average American gets about 270 calories of added sugars every day. That is 17 teaspoons of sugar[1]. To put that into perspective, the American Heart Association recommends limiting the amount of added sugars you consume to no more than 100 calories (6 teaspoons) for women and 150 calories (9 teaspoons) for men. [2]Given that, on average, we are consuming double the recommended amount of sugar, it should come as no surprise that we are facing devastating increases in obesity, diabetes, heart disease and other preventable chronic diseases in our country.

Excess sugar is also one of the primary factors that prevent you from experiencing optimal strength, energy, and body composition. Recent research shows that like heavy alcohol use, consuming too much fructose can have similar toxic effects in your body. Fructose, which is primarily processed in your liver, is found in sodas, sports drinks, and many packaged foods. When you over indulge in fructose, your liver may turn excess fructose into fat. Over time, this fat may build up in your liver and lead to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Fatty liver disease, which has historically been prevalent in alcoholics, is now found in 31% of adults and 13% of children. Complications of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease include fluid build-up on the abdomen, swelling in the veins of your esophagus (which can rupture and bleed), confusion, drowsiness, slurred speech, liver cancer and end-stage liver failure. [3]

So, why all this talk about sugar? Reducing your sugar intake can drastically improve your health and well-being. Less sugar contributes to younger looking skin, lasting energy, reduced belly fat, weight loss, and can reduce your risk of getting type 2 diabetes and heart disease. [4]Limiting your sugar intake is one of the most beneficial things you can do for your body, and there is an easy way to start. Most people either don’t eat breakfast or eat a breakfast high in sugar (cereal, muffins, bagels, etc.) Starting the day with a nutrient dense protein shake can increase your energy, strength and focus. They are easy to make, and you can drink them on the go. Why not give it a try? Check out Nutragen’s Superfood Shake Bundle today.

[1] (2019). Cut Down on Added Sugars. [online] Available at:… [Accessed 4 Jan. 2019].

[2] (2019). Dietary Sugars Intake and Cardiovascular Health A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association. [online] Available at:… [Accessed 4 Jan. 2019].

[3]Mayo Clinic. (2018). Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease – Symptoms and causes. [online] Available at:… [Accessed 4 Jan. 2019].

[4]DiGiulio, S. (2017). 6 Really Good Things That Happen to Your Body When You Quit Sugar. [online] Available at:… [Accessed 4 Jan. 2019].

Pre-Holiday Cleanse or After Holiday Cleanse

Cleanse is Here!

Does the holiday season leave you feeling bloated and out of sorts? Do you walk away from December thinking, “I will never eat that much again!” With all the parties, dinners and treats it is easy to get carried away and find yourself feeling a little “blah”.  This year, why not try something different?

Prepare your body for the holidays with Nutragen’s 7 Day Cleanse. Cleansing clears your body of toxins that stimulate cravings and helps your body recover from a few cocktails or an over indulgence of sugar. Our program and bundle will help you decrease inflammation, stabilize your blood sugars and support your bodies natural ability to detoxify in just 7 short days.

Put your body in the best position to enjoy the holidays and stay on track!

Try Nutragen’s 7 Day Cleanse Today!

Inflammation Control, Stabilize Blood Sugar, Supports Liver, Colon and Kidney detox. An incredibly powerful tool to jump-start a lifestyle transformation
Made with Organic Ingredients
Click Here to Get Your 7 Day Cleanse Program ™ Today

Our Promise

We pledge to rigorously test, qualify and offer life-transforming products that promote balance, vitality, sustainability, and health. Our carefully selected ingredients, expertly crafted products, and doctor designed programs will promote strength, energy, confidence, and well-being in your life.

Our Process

veggie-mixed-300x147-2x.pngOur formulas are of the highest purity and potency “from soil to seal” guaranteed!

  1. We have selected every ingredient, considering the region in which all ingredients are grown, type of soil, how the soil is maintained, the climate and environment, the harvesting process, and the drying and extraction process.
  2. We arrange for the proper shipping and handling of all ingredients to ensure optimal purity and potency.
  3. All formulas are created and tested by an independent 3rd party laboratory and manufactured following a stringent Certified Good Manufacturing Process.
  4. Finally, all formulas are packaged in non‐toxic, eco‐friendly, recyclable or biodegradable containers to ensure quality, freshness, and sustainability.

Scientifically Proven Ingredients

greenpowderimage-1258-300x200.jpgWe purposefully source Nature’s Purest organic, non‐GMO ingredients from around the world that have been scientifically proven, along with a healthy diet and exercise to support the body in combating the diseases of aging, while also providing a healthy response to inflammation and blood sugar control.

We have formulated our premium line of great tasting, easy mixing whole food supplement powders and liquids for convenient daily use. Our functional food formulas may be quickly combined to form a cost-effective, nutritionally dense meal replacement shake.

Healthier Planet, Healthier You

We believe supporting sustainable farming and packaging efforts are not only good for your body but good for the environment we all share.  Pure Plant Protein™ is packaged in non‐toxic, fully compostable canisters with eco‐friendly packaging materials that use 70% less plastic than comparable plastic canisters.  Pure Greens™, Pure Digestion Plus™ and Pure Ωomega™ are all packaged in eco‐friendly, non‐toxic glass bottles to best preserve their antioxidant-rich organic ingredients.

Organic ingredients plus eco‐friendly packaging means healthier soil, healthier planet, healthier people!



The Life Giver ~ Pure Fresh Clean Water

AquaNui Home Water Distillers

Q: Is Drinking Distilled Water Expensive?

A: The chart below compares the cost of one 8-ounce glass of treated water.

Cost comparison of one 8 oz. glass of treated water by various treatment systems

Figures include cost of the treatment system and electricity over the life of the machine. AquaNui distiller costs based on 10 cents/kilowatt-hour residential electrical rate for Lincoln, Nebraska. Bottled water price based on a leading bottled water brand and water delivery service available in Lincoln, Nebraska. The AquaNui distiller cost per glass is rounded up.

Q: I have heard that distillers use a lot of electricity. It that true?
A: That depends on what you mean by a lot. Household water distillers use about 3 KWH to make one gallon of distilled water. If you use 10 cents per KWH as the average electricity rate in the United States, that works out to be about 30 cents for a whole gallon of pure, distilled water. We don’t think that is too much. Do you?

Q: I have also heard that distillers cost a lot of money. Do they?
A: Like almost everything on the market, you get what you pay for. Good distillers are well-designed and made from stainless steel. With proper care and maintenance,  stainless steel distillers can last 25 years or longer. We have distillers in the field that are more than 40 years old. Some plastic distillers last only a year or two and many do not have replaceable parts

AquaNui distillers can be configured to meet the needs of your home or office so you’re producing the exact amount of water you need. We also offer convenient financing.

Q: I drink very little water and live alone. Is a distiller really worth it for a single person?
A: You will most likely drink more water when it is distilled. Unconsciously some people avoid drinking their tap water because they don’t like the taste of it or are suspicious about what is in it. Distilled water will give you peace of mind and tastes great! Of course you will want to use your distilled water in any cooking and baking you might want to do. You kidneys will appreciate high-quality distilled water and so will your guests. Any investment in your health is well worth it.

Q: How does drinking distilled water impact the environment?

water bottles thumbA: Bottled water is flooding our environment with wastes. Here are just a few of the sobering statistics from a recent article in the Huffington Post :

  • Out of the 50 billion bottles of water being bought each year, 80% end up in a landfill, even though recycling programs exist.
  • 17 million barrels of oil are used in producing bottled water each year.
  • 1,500 bottles of water are consumed per SECOND in the U.S.
  • It takes three times the volume of water to manufacture one bottle of water than it does to fill it, and because of the chemical production of plastics that water is mostly unusable.

Drinking distilled water is a responsible choice for the planet.

Q: What about reverse osmosis and carbon filters?

A: Steam water distillers perform with greater effectiveness than do reverse osmosis systems and other filter-based systems right from Day 1. And, they continue to perform effectively, long after reverse osmosis systems and carbon filter devices have had to have their filters replaced.

Comparison Water Purity Over Time by System

Typical carbon filter units (red) and reverse osmosis machines (yellow) require filter changes at 3 month and 6 month intervals respectively.

Q: Isn’t a carbon filter good enough for making my water pure?
A: Carbon filters are popular because they are cheap. However many toxins are NOT removed by carbon alone, and carbon filters DO NOT remove bacteria and viruses effectively. Furthermore, carbon filters lose effectiveness relatively quickly and must be changed frequently. The Water Quality Association says that the biggest problem with filters is that the users seldom if ever change them. Old filters are not only ineffective but they can become a breeding ground for bacteria.

Q: What’s in my tap water?

water tap thumbA: You can have your tap water tested by an independent lab to see what it contains. Testing is generally not required when purchasing a distiller for the home as distillers are so good at removing virtually all contaminants. If you are seriously thinking about a good filter system you need to have your water tested first by a certified testing laboratory so the professional you are working with will know how to configure your filter. You shouldn’t rely on the filter salesperson’s tests, as these are designed to get you to purchase and sometimes can be deceptive.

No water test will tell you everything that is in your water but a national EPA certified laboratory that offers and affordable water testing packages for homeowners is Water Check in Cleveland, Ohio. They are a division of National Testing laboratory and can be contacted by calling them on their toll free line which is (800) 458.3330 or on their website, which is

Q: I have heard that fluoride is good for my teeth. Does a distiller leave it in the water?
A: The addition of fluoride to water has always been and still is very controversial. Many dentists are now of the opinion that it is not a good practice. We do know that in areas where the fluoride is naturally present it, it cause mottling of the teeth and other suspected side effects.

Distillation removes fluorides from the water very effectively.

Q: Don’t we need the minerals that are in water?
A: The minerals that build up in your kettle are like rocks. This is not the form for ready absorption by your body. You need minerals from an organic source not inorganic minerals. Good sources of minerals are vegetables and fruit in a healthy diet.

Q: Should I add minerals back to my distilled water before drinking it?
A: We do not generally advise this. It really is not necessary if you are eating a diet that includes fruits and vegetables, or animals that have obtained minerals from their food sources. Adding minerals to water in a stainless steel tank is definitely to be avoided as it will cause severe oxidation problems in the tank. If you do not feel that you are getting enough of these vital nutrients in your diet, we would recommend that you supplement with a good vitamin/mineral combination tablet.

Q: What about alkaline water?
A: The equipment that makes alkaline water will not work on water that is free of impurities. The first priority is to remove the toxins. Then, if you wish, add a suitable mineral filter and make alkaline water if you feel you need it.

Q: What other uses are there for distilled water?

cat and plant thumbA:  Distilled water for laboratory use is common and very useful to scientists, yet you can find many uses for distilled water in your home. It’s great for personal hygiene including brushing your teeth and rinsing your hair. Your dog, cat and any other pets will enjoy and benefit from drinking distilled water. Your house plants, too, will thrive beautifully on distilled water. Bouquets of fresh flowers will last longer when placed in distilled water.

You can also use distilled water for:

  • sprouting seeds for a salad
  • starting new plants for your garden
  • cleaning contact lens
  • filling steam irons
  • filling aquariums
  • adding to batteries and radiators in your automobiles
  • spot cleaning delicate clothing.

Q: I have tasted distilled water and I do not like the taste. What can I do about that?
A: Chances are you were drinking distilled water from a plastic bottle or jug. It often does have an unpleasant plastic-like taste. Distilled water from our distillers tastes very good to most people, but for some there is a short adjustment period since our taste buds are used to the chlorine and ammonia taste or something else that is present in their tap water. For those folks I would suggest adding a couple of drops of lemon juice to a glass of water. Chilling the water also makes distilled water more enjoyable.

Q: What do doctors say about distilled water?

A: Many doctors advise their patients to drink distilled water, especially their patients who have arthritis, kidney problems, or heart disease. Of course we can’t make health claims but doctors can and do. A doctor named Balch even wrote a very popular health book about his strong belief in distilled water. It is entitled “Prescription for Nutritional Healing”. Several other doctors, especially those in to preventative medicine have written books praising the benefits of distilled water.

A Word From Grace ~    I have been distilling my water for over 15 years.  I cannot begin to tell you the residue left behind in the water distiller.  The smell … I am so grateful to be able to offer Made In America AquaNui Water Distillers.  The quality is second to none and will last you many, many years.

I will offer a discount code to anyone who leaves a comment!


About Nutragen

Our Promise

We pledge to rigorously test, qualify and offer life-transforming products that promote balance, vitality, sustainability, and health. Our carefully selected ingredients, expertly crafted products, and doctor designed programs will promote strength, energy, confidence, and well-being in your life.

Our Process

Our formulas are of the highest purity and potency “from soil to seal” guaranteed!

  1. We have selected every ingredient, considering the region in which all ingredients are grown, type of soil, how the soil is maintained, the climate and environment, the harvesting process, and the drying and extraction process.
  2. We arrange for the proper shipping and handling of all ingredients to insure optimal purity and potency.
  3. All formulas are created and tested by an independent third party laboratory and manufactured following a stringent Certified Good Manufacturing Process.
  4. Finally, all formulas are packaged in non‐toxic, eco‐friendly, recyclable or biodegradable containers to ensure quality, freshness, and sustainability.

    Scientifically Proven Ingredients

    We purposefully source Nature’s Purest organic, non‐GMO ingredients from around the world that have been scientifically proven, along with a healthy diet and exercise to support the body in combating the diseases of aging, while also providing a healthy response to inflammation and blood sugar control.

    We have formulated our premium line of great tasting, easy mixing whole food supplement powders and liquids for convenient daily use. Our functional food formulas may be quickly combined to form a cost effective, nutritionally dense meal replacement shake.

    Healthier Planet, Healthier You

    We believe supporting sustainable farming and packaging efforts is not only good for your body, but good for the environment we all share.  Pure Plant Protein™ is packaged in non‐toxic, fully compostable canisters with eco‐friendly packaging materials that use 70% less plastic than comparable plastic canisters.  Pure Greens™, Pure Digestion Plus™ and Pure Ωomega™ are all packaged in eco‐friendly, non‐toxic glass bottles to best preserve their antioxidant rich organic ingredients.

    Organic ingredients plus eco‐friendly packaging means healthier soil, healthier planet, healthier people!



Ginger Garlic Soup

With Cold and Flu Season Upon Us ~ Make this delicious, nutritious soup


  • 4 green onions, finely sliced
  • 50g of grated root ginger
  • 2 cloves of garlic, peeled and finely diced
  • 7 cups of chicken broth or stock (or vegetable stock for vegans)
  • 1 finely diced medium-hot chili pepper


    1. Place the onions, garlic, and ginger in a large pot and gently saute on a low heat for 2 minutes.
    2. Add the stock or broth and bring the soup to the boil.
    3. Gently simmer until all the ingredients are softened.
    4. Add the chopped chili pepper and simmer for 5 minutes before serving with warm, crusty bread.


      • If you are not a fan of spicy, try swap out the chili pepper and add sprinkle in some cinnamon instead for other health benefits.
      • For a heartier soup, add carrots and butternut squash to the pot. Allow them to simmer until softened and then puree the soup.
      • If you want to turn the cold-fighting benefits of this soup into a full meal, add sliced mushrooms, chopped broccoli, and cubed organic chicken cutlets into the pot. For vegan options, add beans instead of chicken. Add some wild rice or quinoa into the individual bowls and you have an easy and flu-fighting meal!

Healthy Eating

What is “Healthy Eating” to you?

I define healthy eating as nutritional foods that actually cleanse, nourish and heal the body.  Most grocery store items are heavily processed with chemicals, artificial ingredients, food coloring, preservatives, and now, genetically modified ingredients. While many will tell you that these substances are “fine”, nothing could be farther from the truth.

Your body does not understand how to process foreign substances such as chemical preservatives, artificial colors, artificial flavorings, genetically modified organisms and any kind of artificial sweeteners.  It just wasn’t designed to assimilate those things and they become a slow poison, affecting your memory, your muscular strength and your organ function.

Americans are among the sickest people in the world with our very processed diets.  Can we keep ourselves healthier by changing what we eat?  

YES is the resounding answer!  Fruits are actually a cleanser to the body and is so much better than processed sugar. Fresh fruit detoxifies.  When you read about the many ways to “detox”, this is the first place to start.  Removing processed foods and replacing them with fresh foods IS a detox.  You will have more energy eating “clean” foods.  You will actually start to lose excess weight.  Your skin will be clearer and smoother.  Rashes will disappear.  You will become more “regular” as you start eliminating waste from the “broom” effect of the fibrous fruits and vegetables.  Your body will thank you.

Vegetables are actually a “builder” to the body, as well as a detoxifier.  So you see, fresh foods do double duty, just as herbs do.  Real food has multiple benefits in the healing process as well as the building and maintenance of the human being.  Just as animals were designed to consume certain foods, so were you.

Need more information on how to shop for fresh foods?  Leave a comment or fill out the questionnaire.

Recipe ~ Lemon Orzo Soup  ~  Quick Version  ~

Ingredients :

1 Tbsp Olive Oil                                           12 oz chicken thighs, cooked, shredded

8 oz uncooked orzo pasta                            1 each, lemon,zested and juiced

1/2 cup onion, chopped                                1/4 tsp black pepper, ground

2 cloves garlic, minced                                 1 1/2 cups kale, trimmed, torn into bite                                                                                                                  sized pieces

2 quarts chicken broth                                  1/3 cup feta cheese, crumbled

Preparation  ~

  1.  Heat oil in medium saucepan over medium-high heat.  Add orzo pasta and onion; cook 5-6 minutes, stirring until pasta is toasted.
  2. Add garlice; cook 30 seconds or until fragrant.  Add remaining ingredients except cheese.  Bring to a boil; cover and cook 10 minutes or until pasta is done.  Skim and discard foam from surface.  Top with crumbled feta when served.                  ~         Yield :  6 servings