Holistic Healing
A dear friend sent me these words, and I want to share them with you. They are not her words, but these words – or a variation of them – are posted all over the internet. The ones below are taken directly from a Facebook post in which the author is anonymous:...
The Journey To A Healthy Life
Written by Kathryn Feather As we age, it gets harder and harder to maintain our health and the quality of life we are accustomed to. And if you’ve had some health challenges along the way, the path back to health can often be a difficult one. If you are ready to make...
Most of us don’t hesitate to grab the ibuprofen to treat minor muscle aches and pains, but do you know the side effects that can come from relying too heavily on these anti-inflammatory drugs for relief? If you read the label, or better yet, check with your doctor,...
NSAIDs and Side Effects: What You Need to Know
NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) are used to treat pain and can also address the inflammation that typically causes the pain. For example, NSAIDs are often used to treat arthritis and other chronic conditions. You might be more familiar with Advil,...
How Protein Can Help You Lose Weight
written by Kathryn Feather It’s still earlier enough in the New Year that some are still going strong with those weight loss resolutions. Whether it’s the Keto, the Paleo or another low-carb, no sugar diet option, it can be confusing and difficult to understand...
Should You Do Green Smoothies
Blending vegetables is an efficient and positive way to detox, strengthen and rebuild your body and immune system. Food is fuel. The benefits of blending over juicing are that you are getting the fiber which will act as a broom to your stomach, intestines and...
Sugar ~ Just How Much Is Too Much
Have you ever wondered just how much sugar you are consuming every day? From the things you drink to the condiments you use, the amount of sugar in your diet may surprise you. Over the past 40 years, food manufacturers have systematically removed fat and fiber from...
Pre-Holiday Cleanse or After Holiday Cleanse
Pre-Holiday Cleanse is Here! Does the holiday season leave you feeling bloated and out of sorts? Do you walk away from December thinking, "I will never eat that much again!" With all the parties, dinners and treats it is easy to get carried away and find yourself...
Professional Formulas
Professional Formulations is your Premium Homeopathic Blend of Supplements, clinically proven and easy to use. Menu: Immune Boosting Mushrooms Cordyceps sinensis Mushroom Extract (1:1) 4 fl ounces $47.00 Maitake (Grifola frondosa)...
The Life Giver ~ Pure Fresh Clean Water
Distilled Water FAQ Q: Is Drinking Distilled Water Expensive? A: The chart below compares the cost of one 8-ounce glass of treated water. Figures include cost of the treatment system and electricity over the life of the machine. AquaNui distiller costs based on 10...
Light Of Life Live Healthier Stop the clock and get back your health Healthy-Aging Supplement Inspired by Nobel Prize 2009 Every cell has a finite number of times it can divide. Light of Life uses extract from the roots of Astragalus membranaceus plant to slow down...
About Nutragen Our Promise We pledge to rigorously test, qualify and offer life-transforming products that promote balance, vitality, sustainability, and health. Our carefully selected ingredients, expertly crafted products, and doctor designed programs will promote...
Since 1995, Fountain of Youth Tech and Doctor's Relief have been dedicated to empowering healthier lives. Still a family-owned company today, we have a western distributor located in Phoenix Arizona and an eastern distributor located in Millersport, Ohio. Our...
Blue Light Can Reduce Blood Pressure
University of Surrey Exposure to blue light decreases blood pressure, reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, a new study from the University of Surrey and Heinrich Heine University Dusseldorf in collaboration with Philips reports. During this study,...
For Men Only ~ Testosterone
This interview with Abraham Morgentaler, M.D., originally appeared in Harvard Health in 2007. It is still relevant today. It could be said that testosterone is what makes men, men. It gives them their characteristic deep voices, large muscles, and facial and body...
For Men Only
Enter Product Quantity then click Add to Cart to order. Click to enlarge image(s) * Formulated for Maximum Low T (Testosterone) Support * Preferred by Doctors and Educated Demanding Consumers * Amazing Bioavailability (Superior Cellular Absorption) * Developed by an...
Pain Management
P A I N It hurts! It can be incapacitating. We become irritable. We can't sleep. It stops us from doing things we want to do. How can we manage pain? Where does it come from? Inflammation is caused by many things. Foods, such as sugar, nightshade vegetables...
Six Negative Effects of Inflammation
6 Ways Inflammation Can Affect Your Body Chronic inflammation is your body’s natural response to prolonged stress that primarily comes from your diet, lifestyle or other environmental factors. Caused by diet, stress, viruses or bacteria, autoimmune disorders,...
Supporting Your Body’s Immune System
There are many tools to combat the effects of inflammation on the body, and even more to help you balance your body’s response to it, which is really the key. It’s all about balance. Here are three areas of focus to help you support your body's response to...
6 Reasons You Should be Taking Omega 3 Supplements
By Bruce Howe There’s a reason- okay, there are many reasons- why omegas are the third most used supplement in the United States, and it all starts with you, and your body. Omega supplements aren’t just for the overly health conscious, they are for everyone. In a...
Three Ingredients That May Save Your Life
There are many ways to treat inflammation internally, and externally, but few are as effective as a changed diet and supplement regimen. Many people know this but aren’t sure where to begin. Looking through a natural food store vitamin aisle can be totally...
Electro Magnetic Frequency
What you need to know about 5G Nationwide, communities are being told by wireless companies that it is necessary to build “small cell” wireless facilities in neighborhoods on streetlight and utility poles in order to offer 5G, a new technology that will connect the...
Being Judgemental
I was out on a Sunday afternoon with some friends at an outside bar, having conversation and drinks. A man close by started talking to me, and it was so long ago I don't remember how the conversation was started. But this is the thing I remember. ...
I've been blessed with an artistic streak, drawing during my childhood and teen years. As life takes hold, we forget our gifts as we focus on other things. Raising children, working and running a household can veer you into many directions. Now, I find creativity is...
Cannabis ~ What is it good For?
There has been considerable research regarding how boosting Endocannabinoid System performance may improve health. One such study is The Endocannabinoid System as an Emerging Target of Pharmacotherapy by Dr. Pal Pacher published in 2006. Among...
Managing Pain Naturally
Most people deal with some sort of pain. Being a Licensed Massage Therapist for over 25 years, I am constantly reminded of my own pain and others' pain. My goals are to teach people to learn their bodies. To teach people the difference between good pain and bad...
What is a “Healthy Diet”
It really does not have to be complicated. It is really very simple. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, fish, poulty, lamb and beef is really the healthiest way to go. Americans are bombarded by commercials on television and radio and even by...
Health and Beauty Tips
I always want a good deal and I figure I am not alone! I love to teach people to be frugal. The benefits of using online stores such as vitacost.com or swansonvitamins.com is that they carry all the health food store items at a discount. When purchasing essential...
Human Growth Hormone Benefits
As we age, our bodies slow down production of HGH. Supplementing benefits include: Younger looking skin Increased bone density Improved fat burning /weight loss Growth of Lean muscle tissue Increased tissue repair/ healing Reduction in joint pain I am not an advocate...
Massage For Proper Elimination
Elimination is probably one of the most important of our daily functions. Many people have issues and there is a positive way to deal with keeping your body "clean". Eating fresh fruits and vegetables is very important for the roughage it provides. Imagine a broom...