

             By Stephanie Bouchard What is Aromatherapy? Aromatherapy is the use of concentrated aromatic plant extracts (essential oils) in a carrier oil (common carrier oils include jojoba and coconut oils, for example) for the purpose of supporting healing. The...

What Is Functional Fitness

Pain Management

P A I N      It hurts!  It can be incapacitating.  We become irritable.  We can't sleep.  It stops us from doing things we want to do. How can we manage pain?  Where does it come from? Inflammation is caused by many things.  Foods, such as sugar, nightshade vegetables...

Six Negative Effects of Inflammation

6 Ways Inflammation Can Affect Your Body Chronic inflammation is your body’s natural response to prolonged stress that primarily comes from your diet, lifestyle or other environmental factors. Caused by diet, stress, viruses or bacteria, autoimmune disorders,...

Supporting Your Body’s Immune System

There are many tools to combat the effects of inflammation on the body, and even more to help you balance your body’s response to it, which is really the key. It’s all about balance. Here are three areas of focus to help you support your body's response to...

Massage For Proper Elimination

Elimination is probably one of the most important of our daily functions.  Many people have issues and there is a positive way to deal with keeping your body "clean".  Eating fresh fruits and vegetables is very important for the roughage it provides.  Imagine a broom...

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