Skin Care 


        ~  Staying Hydrated in Style  ~ Detox and Homemade Electrolyte Water Key Ingredients and Their Benefits 1. Raw Apple Cider Vinegar: Puts the good bacteria back in your gut for a flat belly and less bloat! This apple cider vinegar (AVC) drink contains...

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Skin Care Regimen From An Elder

As a Licensed Massage Therapist and Certified Personal Trainer, I have the pleasure of working with many older people.  I learn so much from them. One of my clients, who is 88 years old, has beautiful, radiant skin.  When I complimented her, she said "Really?! This...

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Make Your Bathroom A Spa

When do you find time to relax?  Do you feel your life is too busy to slow down? Here are some tips to calm your nervous system before bed or to stimulate when you are taking your bathroom time to get ready for work or otherwise just shower. You can add essential oils...

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Health and Beauty Tips

I always want a good deal and I figure I am not alone! I love to teach people to be frugal.   The benefits of using online stores such as or is that they carry all the health food store items at a discount.  When purchasing essential...

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Skin Care Basics

Your skin is an amazing organ.  It is your "protective layer" and absorbs nutrients as well as eliminates toxins.  It is important to consider what you put ON your skin because whatever products you are using can nurture your body or poison it.  What goes on your skin...

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Massage For Proper Elimination

Elimination is probably one of the most important of our daily functions.  Many people have issues and there is a positive way to deal with keeping your body "clean".  Eating fresh fruits and vegetables is very important for the roughage it provides.  Imagine a broom...

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