The Journey to a Healthy Life

Written by Kathryn Feather

As we age, it gets harder and harder to maintain our health and the quality of life we are accustomed to. And if you’ve had some health challenges along the way, the path back to health can often be a difficult one. If you are ready to make life-long changes to get your health back and lead an active lifestyle, read on to learn how you can begin the journey and use the tools to help get you and keep you on track.

Not a Diet

It’s important right from the get-go to set yourself up for success. What you are doing is not dieting, rather you are making changes to your lifestyle to reclaim or maintain your health. While weight loss will happen, what you are really doing is adopting healthy habits and breaking bad ones. And it’s important to remember that change won’t happen overnight. The goal is to make simple, measurable changes that will result in healthy habits you can realistically maintain for the rest of your life.

What do we mean by simple, measurable changes? For example, let’s say your first goal is to add more fruits and vegetables to your diet. Set a goal to add one serving of fruit to your breakfast routine and one serving of vegetables to your dinner. In terms of exercise and activity level, set a goal to move for 30 minutes each day. Another simple goal could be to stop eating while watching television as this can add unnecessary calories. You will have set backs, but don’t dwell on them. Rather, begin fresh again the next day and keep going.

You really don’t have to count calories, carbs or grams of fat. It’s really about making smart food choices, which is a challenge in this hectic and busy world. That’s also why meal planning is a great idea. This removes the temptation to head to the drive thru, and helps you stick to your healthy habits. The combination of healthy foods with healthy portions is the key to lifelong weight loss and maintenance.

Health Benefits

More than just weight loss, the health benefits that come from these lifestyle changes can change your future. In breaking those bad habits and adopting healthy ones, you can reduce your risk of diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and sleep apnea, just to name a few. Remember, it takes time to make these changes and establish positive habits. Set realistic goals and reclaim your health for the long-term.

If you are looking to jumpstart your journey to a long-term healthy lifestyle, why not try the men’s or women’s 28-Day Cleanse? These bundles and the Pure 28-Day Cleanse program combine to create an incredibly powerful tool that has transformed the lives of thousands of patients across the country. Together, they provide all the education, structure, and nutritional support you need to transform your health in just 28 days.

Don’t wait any longer to reclaim your health. Begin your journey today.