A dear friend sent me these words, and I want to share them with you. They are not her words, but these words – or a variation of them – are posted all over the internet. The ones below are taken directly from a Facebook post in which the author is anonymous:

An old and beautiful legend says that, at the time of the crucifixion, the dogwood was comparable in size to the oak tree and other large trees of the forest. Because of its firmness and strength, it was selected as the timber for the cross.

But to be put to such a cruel use greatly distressed the tree. Sensing this, the crucified Jesus, in his gentle pity for the sorrow and suffering of all, said to it:

‘Because of your sorrow and pity for My sufferings, never again will the dogwood tree grow large enough to be used as a cross.

Henceforth it will be slender, bent and twisted, and its blossoms will be in the form of a cross.

Two long and two short petals. In the center of the outer edge of each petal, there will be nail prints.

Brown with rust and stained with red.

And in the center of the flower will be a crown of thorns, and all who see this will remember.’

These words help ready my heart for Easter, and I hope they do the same for you.

Resurrection Sunday is a time to rejoice! Jesus paid a debt for us that no one else could ever pay so that we could be in heaven with Him for eternity. God gave the perfect sacrifice, His only Son, and if we believe in Him, then we will be forgiven and saved from our sins.

To be saved, you must believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for everyone’s sins, including your own, and receive Him as your personal Savior so that one day you can be with our heavenly Father. If you believe Jesus died on the cross to save you from your sin, you will also need to admit you are a sinner – as we all are. Romans 3:23 (KJV) says, “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” If you have never confessed your sin and belief in Christ, take time to do it right now. Jesus is the only way to be saved from your sins and receive eternal life.

Nails were not what held Jesus to the cross. Jesus had the power to come down from that cross, but He knew this is what had to be done for His believers to be saved. He died on the cross for you and me because of His love for us. He loved us that much! “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16, KJV).

On the third day, He rose from the dead. This is the good news that Christians celebrate: His resurrection! He is alive! And one day our Savior will return. He sets us free from our sins! “Jesus saith unto him, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me'” (John 14:6, KJV).

The birth of Jesus is wonderful, but the resurrection is even more exciting. It is the finale to the Christmas story. Jesus accomplished what he came for. Jesus’ last words before dying on the cross are documented in John 19:30: “It is finished.” He knew that all was completed and that Scripture would be fulfilled. To suggest that more needs to be done to earn your way to heaven is the same as saying Jesus died for nothing. “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God. Not of works, lest any man should boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9, KJV).

If you know of someone who is not saved, please pass this on to them. Share the greatest gift of all with that person: a relationship with Jesus Christ and eternal life. Also, share this with your brothers and sisters in Christ, so they may use this to share with others. God commands that we share the gospel with others. We need to help one another become passionate followers of Jesus Christ.

Being Judgemental

              I was out on a Sunday afternoon with some friends at an outside bar, having conversation and drinks. A man close by started talking to me, and it was so long ago I don’t remember how the conversation was started.  But this is the thing I remember.   “You’re high maintenance” he said to me after a bit of chit chat.   “I am?”  I asked incredulously.  “Yes, I can tell because of how you are put together. You are high maintenance.”   I smiled.  “You are talking to someone who laid her own wood floors, tiled her own counter tops, who does all her own cleaning, and gardening. Yeah, I’m high maintenance lol” … He said something else about they way I was dressed, and how my shoes matched my handbag.   “Well, I am a bargain shopper. Shoes, $20. Handbag, $25. I shop at TJ Maxx!”    “Oh, so you’re ghetto!”   I looked at him and shook my head. “First I’m high maintenance, now I’m ghetto. You have no idea how to judge me, but you want to judge me.”   More friends showed up and we laughed and told jokes.  Later, this man says, “You know, I owe you an apology.”  “Why?” I asked.  “If I cared about what you thought of me, I might expect an apology.  But I don’t.  And I will never see you again anyway.”

I turned back to my friends.

The moral of the story is ~ Don’t ever let anyone blow out your candle.

A Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father, we come to you in Jesus name, and You have PROMISED that where two or more are gathered in Your Name, that You will be with us. We thank You for Your Presence Lord, and we ask for Your Guidance and Your Provision.
Father, You know our needs before we even ask.
I appreciate you
And Father, we appreciate that You sent Jesus so He would lift the veil and we could come before You.
We thank You Jesus, that You are our Intercessor.
We thank You Jesus, that You love us, and Father, that You knew us from the foundation of the earth.
That You, Father, have created us for Your Divine Purpose.
That You, Father, direct our steps.
Father, You are our Provider. You guide our steps.
Father, show me, speak to me as You have spoken to others, speak to me and tell me what direction, what decision is best for me (and my family).
Lord, Jesus, we ask for healing in the places that need to be cleansed.
Heal the broken areas, Lord.  
Because we are broken.
We ask Father in Heaven, that You would protect this family and their children. That Father, You would make a way, where we don’t see one.
Father, THANK YOU, that we depend on You.
We need You!
Jesus thank You, that by Your stripes we are healed.
Thank you Jesus, that You sacrificed so that we may live
Father in Heaven, we stand on Your Promise that You know the plans that You have for us. Plans to prosper us and give us a future.
Plans to for good and not evil.
Thank you Lord for Your Promises.
In Jesus Holy Name. We pray. AMEN

God …. On Romance

In my early 40’s I had a boyfriend who was much younger. He was a great guy, and we had lots of fun together. One night, we were at his apartment watching Shawshank Redemption. We were laying on the couch, him behind me, spooning.   “GRACE”, I heard. I turned around to look at him. He looked down at me and smiled. I waited for him to speak. Time passed as we gazed into one anothers’ eyes. He finally kissed me on the forehead, and I, frowning a confused expression, turned back to the television.   “SHOULDN’T YOU BE DOING THIS WITH SOMEONE YOU COULD HAVE MORE WITH?”  “Well, yeah”, I thought. “But WHO IS THIS ?!

The following week, one of my NFL clients offered me tickets to Sunday’s game. I accepted, and excitedly called my boyfriend. We made plans to go to the game and meet up with friends.  It was a one o’clock game so we would get to the stadium around 10:00 for tailgating.  The night before the big game, I spend the night with him so we could get up early.   We were “night owls” but I told him we have to go to bed early so we can get up early. Yes, ok, he says. About 12:00 am he said he couldn’t sleep. “Let’s go out and get into the jacuzzi. We won’t stay long. I promise.” Grabbing a six pack of beer to take with, I thought “uh oh”..    I won’t say what went on in that jacuzzie, but we got in around 4:00 am, and I set the alarm for 8. We had to be downtown at 10!  “I will get up”, he promised.

The alarm went off in what seemed like minutes. I got up and made coffee. Get up, I said. We have to go. Ok, he said. I’m getting up. I got into the shower. When I got out he was still sleeping. I got some coffee and tried to wake him again.

Ok, I’m getting up.

I went to get dressed, thinking he would be in the shower. No!

I went to wake him again with coffee in hand.

This was my third attempt, and this time, he wouldn’t move … or even speak. He was gone.

Dammit, I thought. I’m older than you and your ass should have more energy than me!

As I laid on the couch, watching the game, thinking about how we could have been having a great time, there was the “Voice” .


NO!!!  I don’t want this life!!!!

That was it. I finished out the day with my cute young boyfriend, but I never returned his calls after that. Poor guy


If I was out with my girlfriends an we happened to run into him, we would say hi, but in the bar we would never “converse”. My friends were like, “He’s following you around like a puppy” … By then, I had told them the story… STILL not realizing who that ‘Voice” was.

Does God care about our daily lives? Does God want more for us than we want for ourselves?  ABSOLUTELY

It took me years to recognize ….



God Speaks About Life

One day, walking through my living room, I heard   “Grace, you’ve had a good life.”  Immediately I stopped in my tracks. “SELF?!  What did you just say to yourself?!  Because, if you wrote a book,  people would say your life sucked!”    I heard, “You wouldn’t be the person you are today had you not gone through the things you went through.”   I contemplated the message.  “Yeah”, I thought.  “You’ve worked hard to over come, and you finally love yourself!”   There was a feeling of peace and satisfaction.  I went about my day and didn’t think too much more about this “conversation with myself”.

It wasn’t until years later that I realized it wasn’t my “self” speaking to myself.

When I heard that voice that said, “Grace, you’ve had a good life” … the first thing I thought about was all my struggles and all my sins.  I am not an innocent woman.  I lived a very hedonistic lifestyle for many years.  And my life was chaos.  I was surrounded with like minded individuals, like we always are, and their lives were in chaos too.  Birds of a feather … God would judge me harshly, IF He were not a Good Father.  If Jesus had not taken all my sins.  I deserved judgement.  But when I heard that Voice, there was no condemnation whatsoever.  None.

He judges everything. But because He loves us, He is merciful and kind.   How else would you appreciate Him?  How else would you learn to trust Him?   When you finally understand … when you finally go to Him, HE IS GRACIOUS.  Because He loves you. And forgives you. And restores you. Just GO to Him!

Think of the story of the Prodigal Son.  That’s you.  It was me.  And I am still that ever wandering child, seeking my own way, my own adventures.   He pulls me back, gently … through the wonders of nature.  I marvel.  He pulls me back, through the beautiful night sky and the gentle breezes.  I thank Him, especially when the moon is full and bright!  “Look what You’ve done!!  It’s beautiful!  Thank You!”


What is the Character of God?   You can trust Him.  He is always with you.

Healing in Jerusalem

I was blessed to be able to visit the Holy Land in 2014.  A friend of mine, who works for the United Nations had been transferred to Jerusalem.  Knowing my love for God, he invited me to come visit.   I was so excited to go to Israel!   I was so grateful to take the opportunity to travel overseas and explore!

When we got to his apartment, we were having conversation.  We got onto the subject of God, of course, and I had said to him, “You get to ask for what you want.  Your answer may or may not be what you expect, but you get to ask.”  “I don’t believe that”, he said.  “I think your destiny is set and that’s it!”  …   Me ~ “Well, God created us with a path set but many of us may not be on it.  That’s why we get to ask.”  “I don’t believe that!” he said.    I smiled,   “OK”


Through out the week, we visited many parts of Jerusalem.  We also did a lot of hiking on the very rugged, stone terrain.   On one particular hike, as we were coming down the mountain path, I jumped down onto a large rock.  I felt a twinge in my left ankle, thought about how as a kid I used to sprain my ankle often, and continued down the mountain.  We got to the car, ate some fresh watermelon we had brought, and continued on our journey to Soreq Caves.

Soreq Caves is a National Treasure in Isreal. It is also known as Avshalom Cave or Stalactite Cave, is a 5,000 m2 cave on the western side of Mt. Ye’ela, in the Judean hills of Israel. It was discovered by accident in May 1968 while quarrying with explosives.  Soreq Cave is teeming with stalactites and natural sculptures formed by hundreds of thousands of years of mineral-rich water drops slowly leaving behind a rock residue.

We had a wonderful guided tour of the caves, following the set path and lagging behind to take pictures and marvel in the wonders of the mineral formations.  It was a cool respite from the earlier hike up the rocky trails in the heat of the summer.  This time, we were venturing deep down into the caverns.  When the tour was over, we exited the caves and climbed up many sets of stone stair cases.  Once back up to the main building and parking lot, we headed off to have some dinner and then went home.

Once we entered the apartment building, a couple of the residents stopped us, and asked him if he worked at the Consulate, and could he help them.  I decided to go in and get my shower.  We had a long day, and I was dirty with soil and sweat.  It wasn’t until I got into the shower that my ankle started to REALLY hurt.  By the time I reached for my towel, I couldn’t even put pressure on my foot.  I had, indeed, sprained my ankle.  We were supposed to go to another event that evening, but there was no way I could walk.  I limped to the refrigerator and got some ice.

When he came in, I was laying in my room with my leg elevated and icing.  “What’s wrong?” he said.  “I sprained my ankle and won’t be able to go tonight.  I can’t put any pressure on my foot.”  He called our friend to see if she had crutches or a brace, and while I lay in my bed, I prayed.  “God!  Please heal me!  You brought me to Jerusalem and if I can’t walk, I can’t do anything!  I only have two more days!  Please!  Heal me!”   I heard a voice whisper in my mind. “Have Scott lay hands on you and pray”  Immediately, I thought, I’m not doing that.  I continued whining… I mean, praying.   “Please, Lord!  Heal me!  I only have two days left!”

AGAIN, I hear God speak  “Have Scott lay hands on you and pray.”    

“OH, OK”   I thought, still a little resistant.  When  I called Scott’s name, he came to my bedroom door, still speaking on the phone.  Giving me the “hold on” look, he finished his call and came back.  “I need you to do something for me…”  I said, kind of gingerly.  “You need me to massage your foot?” he asked.  No, but something like that.  He came in and I asked him to sit on my bed by my elevated, iced ankle.  He sat down.  OK.  I removed the bag of ice and took his hand.  Gently, I placed it on my ankle and said, “I need you to pray for me.”  He stared, lol, not saying a word. Finally…  “What do I say?”  “Whatever you want.”  He was still staring, probably thinking I was playing a joke on him.  “Well, just tell God that I only have two days left and if I can’t walk, I can’t do anything.  Or something like that.”  I told him.  He closed his eyes and within a few seconds “AMEN”…

“Thank you.” I said.

“I never pray.” He said quietly.

“Well, thank you.”     He jumped up and said he would go to the pharmacy and see if he could find a brace.  It was Saturday sundown, so all the stores would be opening again.  In Israel, Sabbath starts Friday evening at sundown and finishes Saturday evening at Sundown.  There are very few people on the streets, all the stores are closed and very limited traffic. I continued to pray, even as he prepared to leave.  I was very emotional, with the pain, feeling like the events we had planned would now be hindered, him actually being willing to pray for me.  I started to cry.  You know how men get when women cry.  He ran out the door.

An hour later, he returned.  I think I had drifted off to sleep while crying, so I was startled when he came in.  He looked flustered.  “I’m so stressed out!” he said.  “What happened?” I asked, feeling bad.  “Traffic was crazy with everyone coming out and the first store I went to wasn’t opened, so I went to two more stores.  But I found it!”  he said as he victoriously held up the ankle brace.  “Aww!  I’m so sorry you went thru all that.  Thank you so much!”  I said … somehow thinking in the far, far recesses of my mind … that I could not tell him I wouldn’t be needing it.

To be continued . . .