6 Reasons You Should be Taking Omega 3 Supplements

By Bruce Howe

There’s a reason- okay, there are many reasons- why omegas are the third most used supplement in the United States, and it all starts with you, and your body.

Omega supplements aren’t just for the overly health conscious, they are for everyone. In a world where none of us are easily getting the nutritional balance we need, supplements can literally be a lifesaver.

We’ve spoken about inflammation and some of the ways it could be affecting you, and this week we want to share the power of: Ωomega with you. Your body cannot manufacture its own omega-3 fatty acids. You need to learn how to incorporate them into your daily life, in order to reap the benefits.  Not sure why your body needs omega-3 fatty acids? Read on.

Here are six ways omega supplements can transform your life

Improves Fat Metabolism

Most people know that when they see salmon on a restaurant menu next to steak or casserole, for example,, the healthy option would be the salmon- but why is that? Salmon is rich in omegas, meaning it’s a powerful anti-inflammatory food choice that can aid in weight balance, among other health benefits. Countless studies indicate the powerful effects of omegas in the human body. Recently, researchers from Kyoto University in Japan discovered fish oil transforms fat-storage cells into fat-burning cells in mice. In their study, fish oil supplements stimulated receptors in the digestive tract, activated the sympathetic nervous system (responsible for fight or flight responses), and prompted storage cells to metabolize fat in mice; the ones who ate food with fish oil gained 5-10 percent less weight and 15-25 percent less fat than the control mice. The researchers believe in humans, fish oil supplements might help reduce weight gain later on in life.

Improves Moderate To Severe Acne  ~  Many people don’t realize that acne is a sign of inflammation and can be treated from the inside out with anti-inflammatories, like omega supplements. Internal and external skincare is highly popular these days as it’s becoming common knowledge that one can not effectively treat the skin solely on the dermal level.

In a 2012 study from California State Polytechnic University, Pomona evidence was found that “fish oil can improve the severity of acne. Participants supplemented their normal acne-fighting regimen and typical diets with 3 grams of fish oil per day. After 12 weeks, the acne symptoms had greatly improved for 60 percent of the volunteers.”

Boost Eye Health

There are many studies that have concluded macular degeneration and dry eye syndrome can be avoided or slowed down by high internal levels of omega-3 fatty acids. Likewise, essential fatty acids also help the proper drainage of the intraocular fluid from the eye, decreasing the risk of high eye pressure and glaucoma. The eyes, like all other body parts, naturally deteriorate over time as we age, but we now have the tools and information to slow the process down using diet and supplements.

Reduces Disease-Causing Inflammation  ~  A study from the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology found the omega-3 fatty acid DHA in fish oil enhances B cell activity (a white blood cell), believed to prevent disease by reducing inflammation.

Inflammation can seriously impact your body and its ability to function. What’s wonderful about omega-3 fatty acids is that they treat all forms of inflammation in some way, shape or form. Eating an anti-inflammatory diet and adding omega supplements is like getting on an escalator when you’ve been climbing the stairs towards a healthier life, it takes you to where you need to be faster.

Reduces the Impact of Air Pollution ~ Air pollution around the world is a rising factor impossible to ignore, and its effects on the human body are even more immediately alarming. Being linked to heart and lung disease, poor air quality can be a man-made killer that we need to fight against. The use of omegas internally to fight off damage from pollution has been studied more in recent years as we continue to search for sustainable solutions that can be implemented now (improving the air pollution crisis will take more time).

In a 2012 study, researchers gave 29 middle-aged adults three grams of fish oil or olive oil every day for four weeks. Then they exposed them to two consecutive hours of unclean air, after which their cardiac responses were measured. The participants who were given fish oil didn’t experience as negative an effect to their white blood cell activity. The fish oil protected the participants against the harmful cardiac effects associated with air pollution exposure.

Boosts Memory  ~  According to research published in the journal PLoS ONE, eighteen- to 25-year-olds who consumed fish oil pills every day for six months boosted their working memory by 23 percent. Imagine what a lifetime of taking these supplements could do for you by the time you hit eighty?

A sharper memory means a sharper mind, and a sharper mind means a more successful life.

Pure AOmega Bottle

Do you eat enough fish, nuts, flax, and leafy greens each day for optimal health? Pure Aomega Plus does NOT smell, taste, or repeat like other fish oils. Pure Ωomega Plus™ promotes:

  • Inflammation Control
  • Healthy Cholesterol Levels
  • Healthy Bone & Joints
  • Healthy Skin & Hair
  • Healthy Brain

Pure Ωomega Plus™ combines the benefits of Omega-3 fish oil (triglyceride form) with CURCUPURE™ (certified organic turmeric), ASTALIFE™ (Astaxanthin) a naturally occurring carotenoid from algae, and VITAMIN D3.

We utilize a proprietary purification process that guarantees purity and potency. We are committed to adhering to sustainable fishing practices, and governmental fishing laws to prevent overfishing and endangering other species. Pure Ωomega Plus™ contains no GMO’s, gluten, wheat, dairy, yeast, psyllium, fillers, artificial flavors, colors, MSG or yeast derivatives.

Pure Ωomega Plus™ is packaged in a non-toxic, eco-friendly cobalt blue glass bottle, which provides the best barrier and eliminates chemicals from plastics leaching into the product.


1) What is your idea of a “healthy diet”?

2) Describe your current eating habits.

3) What is your current lifestyle?

4) What do you want to learn?

5) What do you want to change?

6) How disciplined are you?

7) How can I help you? Please don’t be shy in asking for help.

OR ~ How can I be of service to you?

Managing Pain Naturally

Managing Pain Naturally

Most people deal with some sort of pain.  Being a Licensed Massage Therapist for over 25 years, I am constantly reminded of my own pain and others’ pain.  My goals are to teach people to learn their bodies.  To teach people the difference between good pain and bad pain.

Pain can come from inflammation from the foods we eat.  Toxic foods will cause inflammation.  This is why I teach to eat clean.  Even some natural foods will create inflammation.  If fresh foods are sprayed with pesticides, there will be residue which can affect your body in a negative way.  Non sprayed foods (organic) are the way to go.  The “nightshade” family of vegetables will cause inflammation in people sensitive to them.  I am one of those people, and had to come to terms with it.  Eggplant, peppers, potatoes and tomatoes are in the nightshade family and to me, the pain I experienced on a regular basis because of these foods was enough to make me stop eating them once I learned of it.

There went my chips and salsa!  Anything tomato based is now off limits.  No more green, yellow or red peppers, which I would slice and eat with hummus.  Once, when I first learned of it, I had been eating lots of pasta with peppers, tomatoes, eggplant, all of which I had grown in my garden. I was so proud of myself.  BUT, I hurt!!  Why? I kept asking myself!  I eat so clean!  Why do I hurt.  The pain was muscular, an ache that would not stop.  Burning… sore joints.  What the heck?   Then, an article came before me that would end my suffering.  Even tho it took discipline to stop eating these foods I loved so well, I stopped.  Within 3 days my pain had subsided over 50%.  After two months of not eating any nightshades, my pain was gone.  I tried a small portion of mashed potatoes one day and within 30 minutes I had pain in my shoulder and arm.  SO NOT WORTH IT!!

There are some ways to relieve pain naturally, which I use often.  Inflamedix by Nutragen.com is a powerful combination of Boswellia (which is Frankincense), Curcumin (which is the extract of tumeric) and Ginger.  I use this instead of aspirin, ibuprofen, or any over the counter medication.

The benefits of this combination not only get rid of inflammation, but other benefits are    *Ginger ~ speed metabolism, aids digestions, helps with nausea, motion sickness, blood thinner, reduce blood pressure, aids circulation, rich in fatty acids and minerals, strengthen hair, skin and nails and more.

*Boswellia ~ Anti arthritic, anti bacterial, anti fungal, useful for gout, low back pain, fibromyalgia, repairs blood vessels, damaged by inflammation, inflammatory bowel disease and much more.

*Curcumin ~ Anti oxidant, anti biotic, aids circulation, lowers cholesterol, protects liver, improves blood vessel health, rich in minerals, inhibits platelet aggregation, fights free radicals and more.

I love using herbs because of the multiple benefits with very limited side effects.  You would have to an awful lot to upset your stomach.  I always advise to take any supplementation with food for proper digestion and utilization.

Keep fresh ginger in the house.  Slice some into your water, your coffee and cook with it.  I do a Pure Protein (Nutragen) shake every morning for breakfast.  I use 1/2 avacado, frozen berries, lemon, sliced ginger, water and Pure Greens (Nutragen).  Whip it up and you have a powerhouse of concentrated nutrition.


I also utilize For Long Life’s Carpagel, which you can find at my store.  All of the products that I recommend are products I completely believe in BECAUSE of the benefits without harmful side effects.  Those who know me, know how particular I am about ingredients and the integrity of a company.

Massage is another way to alleviate pain. Stretching, while painful when doing it, is great for range of motion, lubrication of joints, and expansion of muscle tissue.     Hot baths in eucalyptus essential oil or epsom salts is a great relaxer.  Remember that if you have chronic pain, it is a process to work through the issues.  Be patient, and if you have any questions or comments, please leave them below.  I am happy to help in any way I can.

What is a “Healthy Diet”

It really does not have to be complicated.  It is really very simple.  Eating fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, fish, poulty, lamb and beef is really the healthiest way to go.  Americans are bombarded by commercials on television and radio and even by “fitness gurus” that are all touting something different.  When we go into the grocery store the shelves are packed, but not with food.  They are packaged, “food- like” products.  These food like products are filled with artificial chemicals and heavily processed ingredients.  Processed foods have become an addiction to Americans.
Your body and mind WILL NOT THRIVE on these products.  You were Divinely created, and your nourishment should come from the earth.
Fresh foods will nourish, cleanse and heal your body.
But, you say, eating healthy is so expensive!  The money you spend now on healthy foods will save you money in doctor bills.  You and your children will be healthier, and as you readjust your taste buds with real foods, because your body is getting more nourishment, you will not be as hungry.  Most people feel hungry because they do not drink enough water and because their bodies are screaming for nutrients, not food.  You can use vitacost.com or swansonvitamins.com for healthy snacks for your kids.  Look for meats that are hormone and antibiotic free.  Try to buy organic (pesticide free) as much as possible.
You speak every time you spend your money.  If you start to choose higher quality foods, the demand increases.  When the demand for higher quality foods is high, you will notice that all around you, the better quality will come. I have seen this recently in my own neighborhood.  Within a two mile radius, we now have 5 different grocery stores that have lowered prices to attract shoppers.    You will be raising the vibration around you when you start demanding higher quality foods and services.
Take some time to see out the farmer’s markets in your areas.  Your kids will love it.  Try to grow some herbs and veggies in your own yards.  Your children will absolutely take to this.  Another great source to find farmers in your area is www.eatwild.com .  Sweet potatoes are very easy to grow in your own yard.  I would suggest using a large pot or making a contained bed as they will spread every where.  Snow peas are extremely easy to grow as well.  Plant a peach seed or two in your yard.  Invest in some fruit trees to plant in your yard.
Cooking in cast iron is an easy way to prepare healthy foods quickly.  For single people, you can start your meat and when almost done, add your veggie and you have a one pot meal.  Less clean up and a wonderful mingling of flavors.  I start with a pat of butter, yes, real butter, and put my chicken in.  You can use olive oil or coconut oil.  After it browns and cooks for about 10 minutes, I turn it over, add some water, cover and let simmer.  Add what ever spices you like.  I normally slice a clove or two of garlic.  After another ten minutes, I add whatever vegetables, cover and let simmer another 8 minutes or so.  Voila .. a simple, very nutritious dinner.     If you have a large family and a hectic schedule, putting a whole chicken in the oven with sweet potatoes, purple potatoes, carrots, onions and seasonings will make a delicious meal for the family in a jiffy.  This is how I taught my daughter to cook when she was around 12.  Simple and efficient.
Getting back to basics and simplifying will be beneficial to your entire family.
Question?  Comments?  Please leave them below.