GOD Speaks
A dear friend sent me these words, and I want to share them with you. They are not her words, but these words – or a variation of them – are posted all over the internet. The ones below are taken directly from a Facebook post in which the author is anonymous:...
Being Judgemental
I was out on a Sunday afternoon with some friends at an outside bar, having conversation and drinks. A man close by started talking to me, and it was so long ago I don't remember how the conversation was started. But this is the thing I remember. ...
A Prayer
Dear Heavenly Father, we come to you in Jesus name, and You have PROMISED that where two or more are gathered in Your Name, that You will be with us. We thank You for Your Presence Lord, and we ask for Your Guidance and Your Provision. Father, You know our needs...
God …. On Romance
In my early 40's I had a boyfriend who was much younger. He was a great guy, and we had lots of fun together. One night, we were at his apartment watching Shawshank Redemption. We were laying on the couch, him behind me, spooning. "GRACE", I heard. I turned around...
God Speaks About Life
One day, walking through my living room, I heard "Grace, you've had a good life." Immediately I stopped in my tracks. "SELF?! What did you just say to yourself?! Because, if you wrote a book, people would say your life sucked!" I heard, "You wouldn't be the...
Healing in Jerusalem
I was blessed to be able to visit the Holy Land in 2014. A friend of mine, who works for the United Nations had been transferred to Jerusalem. Knowing my love for God, he invited me to come visit. I was so excited to go to...