It really does not have to be complicated.  It is really very simple.  Eating fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, fish, poulty, lamb and beef is really the healthiest way to go.  Americans are bombarded by commercials on television and radio and even by “fitness gurus” that are all touting something different.  When we go into the grocery store the shelves are packed, but not with food.  They are packaged, “food- like” products.  These food like products are filled with artificial chemicals and heavily processed ingredients.  Processed foods have become an addiction to Americans.
Your body and mind WILL NOT THRIVE on these products.  You were Divinely created, and your nourishment should come from the earth.
Fresh foods will nourish, cleanse and heal your body.
But, you say, eating healthy is so expensive!  The money you spend now on healthy foods will save you money in doctor bills.  You and your children will be healthier, and as you readjust your taste buds with real foods, because your body is getting more nourishment, you will not be as hungry.  Most people feel hungry because they do not drink enough water and because their bodies are screaming for nutrients, not food.  You can use or for healthy snacks for your kids.  Look for meats that are hormone and antibiotic free.  Try to buy organic (pesticide free) as much as possible.
You speak every time you spend your money.  If you start to choose higher quality foods, the demand increases.  When the demand for higher quality foods is high, you will notice that all around you, the better quality will come. I have seen this recently in my own neighborhood.  Within a two mile radius, we now have 5 different grocery stores that have lowered prices to attract shoppers.    You will be raising the vibration around you when you start demanding higher quality foods and services.
Take some time to see out the farmer’s markets in your areas.  Your kids will love it.  Try to grow some herbs and veggies in your own yards.  Your children will absolutely take to this.  Another great source to find farmers in your area is .  Sweet potatoes are very easy to grow in your own yard.  I would suggest using a large pot or making a contained bed as they will spread every where.  Snow peas are extremely easy to grow as well.  Plant a peach seed or two in your yard.  Invest in some fruit trees to plant in your yard.
Cooking in cast iron is an easy way to prepare healthy foods quickly.  For single people, you can start your meat and when almost done, add your veggie and you have a one pot meal.  Less clean up and a wonderful mingling of flavors.  I start with a pat of butter, yes, real butter, and put my chicken in.  You can use olive oil or coconut oil.  After it browns and cooks for about 10 minutes, I turn it over, add some water, cover and let simmer.  Add what ever spices you like.  I normally slice a clove or two of garlic.  After another ten minutes, I add whatever vegetables, cover and let simmer another 8 minutes or so.  Voila .. a simple, very nutritious dinner.     If you have a large family and a hectic schedule, putting a whole chicken in the oven with sweet potatoes, purple potatoes, carrots, onions and seasonings will make a delicious meal for the family in a jiffy.  This is how I taught my daughter to cook when she was around 12.  Simple and efficient.
Getting back to basics and simplifying will be beneficial to your entire family.
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