I always want a good deal and I figure I am not alone! I love to teach people to be frugal.   The benefits of using online stores such as vitacost.com or swansonvitamins.com is that they carry all the health food store items at a discount.  When purchasing essential oils, I try their brands and have found many to be top quality.  Herbs like Rosemary, Tea Tree, Eucalyptus don’t have to be purchased “organic”, as these are not normally sprayed with pesticide since they are bug resistant.  You can mix essential oils in a spray bottle with water to clean your bathrooms and kitchens.  I normally use grapefruit, lemon and eucalyptus in the bathrooms and kitchen.   Musty, sweaty odors on rugs or furniture?  Get rid of your febreeze.  It’s toxic!  Make a spray of your favorite essential oils in water.  Ten drops lavender, eight drops lemongrass, 20 drops sweet orange oil in a quart spray bottle (I buy mine at the dollar store) and voila!  Your house will smell great!   I sometimes use lavender and eucalyptus as insect repellent on a cotton ball and place in drawers, under sinks and in closets.


  • Want fuller lips?   Try coconut oil with a drop or two of peppermint essential oil added.  Or, you can buy Alba Lip gloss and add a drop or two of peppermint.  Buy them here ~ www.vitacost.com
  • Want to switch to an aluminum free deodorant?  Try Alvera roll on.  It works great!
  • Night sweats or menopause?   Jason Wild Yam cream.  Rub morning and evening on breasts, chest and neck.  Evening Primrose Oil is wonderful as well!   No need for anything “artificial”.  Works wonders!!
  • Skin care products I really like!  Andalou, Alba, Beauty Without Cruelty Toner, Reviva DMAE cream,
  • Cellulite?  Drink a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar + tablespoon local honey in a tall glass of water every morning on an empty stomach.   Massage like you are “kneading bread” on your thighs and buttocks.  Making a fist, move from the knees to top of legs upward toward the heart.  Drink apple cider mixture in the evening for faster elimination of fatty residue and toxins.
  • Constipated?  You must have a bm every day for proper elimination.  Drink a large glass of water every 30 minutes until you go.  At night in bed, raise your knees with feet flat on the bed.  With your finger tips, start massage on the right side down below your hip bones.  Massage in a circular motion, moving slowly up, now above the hip bone.  Continue massaging in a circular motion across your body (under the belly button) to your left side above the hip bone.  Continue the massage moving  back down below the hip bone.  You may feel uncomfortable at first, so adjust the pressure accordingly.  Visualize your path of massage as an upside down U.  This is a way to move the waste through the colon to make sure you go daily.  I cannot stress how important elimination of waste is.  If you do not go on a regular basis, your body will reabsorb the toxins from your colon every 24 hours.  Your body is a self cleaning, self healing machine.  I am here to teach you what to do to help the process.
  • When you eliminate properly, hydrate properly, feed your body concentrated nutrition via clean foods and supplements, you will no longer feel “sick and tired”.  Your mind will become clearer, you will have more focus and energy and will become healthier and happier.
  • Sleep!  If you have trouble sleeping, you can make a wonderful essential oil spray with lavender, geranium, ylang ylang, mandarin and chamomile.  Depending on the size of your bottle, use 5 – 10 drops lavender, 5-8 drops geranium, 4 – 6 drops ylang ylang,  4 drops mandarin and chamomile.  Of course, you can adjust to your liking.  You can even use this for your children as it it very safe.  Spray sheets and pillows lightly.  I use it if I wake up in the middle of the night to help restore my calm and go back to a restful sleep.
  • Be patient.  Remember everything is a process and developing new habits take time.  Positive actions build on themselves.
  • Toenail fungus?  Mix coconut oil with eucalyptus essential oil, thyme, tea tree and or peppermint and massage into toenails.  Do your heels too for moisturizing.  Put socks on and in time you will notice your feet becoming healthy again.  Only use this during the day, as these essential oils are energizing.  If you want to treat your feet at bedtime, use lavender oil.  The beauty of essential oils are that they are antibacterial, antifungal, anti almost anything!
  • Buy used books at thriftbooks.com   They have a wonderful assortment of all kinds of books for $4 and up.
  • Exfoliate your skin!   Dry brush massage is great and you can make your own salt scrub with sea salt and essential oils.  Your skin will look clearer and be smoother.  Use a good moisturizer after to “feed” your skin.
Questions or comments?   Leave them below.