I’m Grace skinner

Holistic Healing Educator and Coach

My Mission

To provide informative and inspiring information to you, in order to empower you. To teach you and encourage you on a path to better health. To teach you simplicity. To provide to my audience, the cleanest, most nutritional options for better health. This, in turn, provides us all with a better, more positive quality of Life. To bless you as I am blessed, that you would bless others. Amen.

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Learn More About Me

I have been studying and practicing holistic healing since I was 18 and am well over a half century now. Never do you think about the aging process when you are young! My goal was just to be healthy and rebel against the “establishment”. I grew up in a military family, with both parents being “immigrants”. My mother went thru World War 2 in Germany, so when she came to America she thought we were the best country in the world and that our doctors knew everything.

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Why should you trust me?      Because I am just like you when it comes to wanting what’s best for my family and our health.  I am also not in a position to spend exorbitant amounts of money on supplements, although I know I need them.  I want the best quality for the best price.   I do exhaustive research in order to secure just that.  And I do all of it with an altruistic attitude in mind.   I do this for me and for you.  



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Collagen loading is gaining popularity among professional athletes and cutting edge doctors of functional medicine. So what's all the hype about? Well, more than 90% of your hair, skin, nails, gut lining, ligaments, tendons, bones and discs are made up of collagen. It...


  A dear friend sent me these words, and I want to share them with you. They are not her words, but these words – or a variation of them – are posted all over the internet. The ones below are taken directly from a Facebook post in which the author is anonymous:...


             By Stephanie Bouchard What is Aromatherapy? Aromatherapy is the use of concentrated aromatic plant extracts (essential oils) in a carrier oil (common carrier oils include jojoba and coconut oils, for example) for the purpose of supporting healing. The...

How Muscles Become Chronic Pain Generators

By: Nancy L. Shaw, MTPT The Adapt, Accommodate and Compromise Spiral to Pain Many people hurt, some with serious, chronic, long-lasting pain. Most try numerous treatment approaches without eliminating the pain, even with all the advances in modern medicine. What are...

What Is Functional Fitness



This, by far, is one of the best videos I have seen.   This man is very thorough.  Common sense information here.  Enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZKW5weMZjo&feature=emb_rel_end


        ~  Staying Hydrated in Style  ~ Detox and Homemade Electrolyte Water Key Ingredients and Their Benefits 1. Raw Apple Cider Vinegar: Puts the good bacteria back in your gut for a flat belly and less bloat! This apple cider vinegar (AVC) drink contains...


I first met Grace over 15 years ago when she came to my home to give me a massage and she remains the one I call when I need a Theraputic massage.  Grace deeply cares about her clients.  She listens to your needs and really makes it her mission to work on relieving...

The Journey To A Healthy Life

Written by Kathryn Feather As we age, it gets harder and harder to maintain our health and the quality of life we are accustomed to. And if you’ve had some health challenges along the way, the path back to health can often be a difficult one. If you are ready to make...


Most of us don’t hesitate to grab the ibuprofen to treat minor muscle aches and pains, but do you know the side effects that can come from relying too heavily on these anti-inflammatory drugs for relief? If you read the label, or better yet, check with your doctor,...

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