Elimination is probably one of the most important of our daily functions.  Many people have issues and there is a positive way to deal with keeping your body “clean”.  Eating fresh fruits and vegetables is very important for the roughage it provides.  Imagine a broom sweeping through your intestinal tract and removing debris.  Drinking water is more important than most people realize.  Not only will your skin externally look more plump and clear, but your insides will be moisturized as well.  In the case of constipation, self massage is extremely effective at moving waste material through your body.  Here’s what to do:

Lie on your back with your knees up, feet planted flat on the floor or bed.  I normally do this at night when I lay down to sleep so that I know my morning routine will be routine.  With your fingertips, start on the right side of your body, lower toward your coochie or package.  (genitals)   Massage in a circular motion, moving up towards your hip bone and belly button.  You are still massaging on the right side of your body.  Just below your belly button, go across your body, still massaging in a small circular motion, to the left side.  Then move the hands, massaging back down toward your genitals.  Visualize an upside down U under your belly button.  That is your colon.  It needs to be clean!! If you are dehydrated, your muscles will be dry, so they will be hard and you will be sore.  If you are dehydrated, you will not be able to move waste through your body.  WATER, WATER, WATER

Speaking of water.  Please don’t drink tapwater.  With all the women on unnatural hormone replacement, men on viagra, and old folks on tons of medications (America is a very drug overdosed society) your municipal water treatment plants do not have a way to remove all the residue from these drugs.  Every time someone flushes a toilet, you can be sure those impurities are going into your tapwater.   Read “The Shocking Truth About Water” by Paul Bragg.  You can get it here at a huge discount www.thriftbooks.com

I have been distilling my tapwater for over 10 years.  You may purchase a Made In America water distiller, that will probably last your lifetime and more than pay for itself at www.myaquanui.com/graceskinner     Send me an email if you have questions.  I will give you a discount code for your purchase.